Friday, January 22, 2010

Thoughts on a Portfolio

I was screening a candidate today, an international phone call and a review of some of his code on, he made a solid showing. For myself I've never presented my code as a portfolio although I've often said that I think a good professional should. That got me to thinking about what I would like to have in a public repository of my work, how I would like to be judged. What do I want my portfolio to say about me?
  • I should want to work for a company that writes code like my portfolio.
  • It should be the sort of code I would like to be paid to write.
It's about looking professional, and it's code, so I'd aim to get people actually playing with my work. There's no better advert for a programmer than the quality of their working programs.

A few things come to mind regarding the presentation in the repository:
  • It should look real, like you were genuinely using it or it's been made for someone.
  • Any reasonably experienced person should be able to click through and figure out what it's about without any wrong steps.
  • The tests should be an obvious and effective first place to look, (I'm always impressed when I can figure out the motivation and typical use of open source by scanning through some tests).
  • If you're one of many contributors then your contribution needs to be substantial and easy to find.
  • It should be relatively easy to deploy and run for anyone who takes a look at it, ideally both a launch script and instructions.
  • If it's a web application then consider hosting it somewhere, if it's a stand alone application make it downloadable and installable (and removable).
  • Don't present non-functioning work in progress in your portfolio (maybe you need a separate repository for that).
  • Don't present old school work unless you are a recent graduate.
And in terms of the code, (some of these points are my responses to code I've read while reviewing various portfolios):
  • It should be clever without being obscure.
  • It should in general follow the common idioms of the languages, be obvious and relatively future proof.
  • The code should speak for itself, comments that just repeat function names or similarly obvious information are redundant; good file, module, class, function and variable names are better.
  • Comments should explain what isn't obvious in code, like larger scale motivations or algorithms, or expected patterns of use. Although tests should also carry that information.
  • As a portfolio it shouldn't just repeat the same thing, so variety in languages:
    • Something in the Java/C++/C# vein,
    • Something in the Python/Ruby vein,
    • Perhaps something in the emerging languages vein like Scala/Closjure/F#
    • Perhaps a restricted environment tool like JavaFX/Flex/JavaScript.
  • At least two different types of applications:
    • A retained state stand alone application,
    • Plus a web app,
    • Perhaps a smart phone trinket,
    • A library or some utility scripts could also be worthwhile.
It's a portfolio, put your best foot forward.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

By Way Of Introduction

Thanks for dropping by! This is a first foray for me into the world of topical blogging.

I'm starting this more or less midway in working life: my first job was at MacDonalds which I started just before I turned fifteen, and if I retire at sixty-five then I'm just a year or so shy of half way there.

A few years ago I went through a professional mid life crisis of sorts, left a good job in R&D at Canon and went to teach English overseas. I leant Spanish well enough to make good friends and to get back into IT while living in Madrid, I ended up working in a large bank, a job that made Dilbert's world look positively functional, I learnt a lot.

I saved some pennies and headed to London a took a job based on how I wanted to work and what I wanted to learn. I've been here a year and half, and it's still a good job. A lot of this blog will be about the priorities I've developed through those experiences.

It's about the profession of software development, the developers toolkit I use and the way we work. It's also about technology in my day to day, the toys and tools that I want for myself.

Right now I'm not looking at being team lead or any senior role, although I actively take on any load to help the folks who do have those roles, so the perspective will be of a largely content senior developer. It's part of me learning to be a better developer, pulling knowledge from different sources, being conscious of my own character: a tendency to think of developers as humans with human motivations; conscious of the balancing act between ideal solutions and effective compromise; drawing on experiences that include academic research, name brand hardware development, big bank back office, and super-agile small-company web applications.

My own hobby programming will enter the picture. Right now that includes a web based tools, things that can work on mobiles phones as well as the desktop: delphi method tool for capturing requirements, particularly for becoming conscious about "forgotten" legacy requirements, and an ear trainer for guitarists that I want to run on smart phones.

I daily use a very pretty little MacBook at home, and have a thumping great big Linux box under my desk at work. I'm still tossing up between Android and iPhone . I've spent years working with Microsoft Windows. Ultimately I'm technologically agnostic, I've been around long enough to know it'll change, and that's it's good enough to be mostly satisfied, and better not to be too attached to specifics and details.