Monday, April 26, 2010

Driven Development

There is a trend in the agile community to name development philosophies as driven, for example: TDD and BDD and DDD. Names for principles and methods to help us stay on track and to guide us toward good practices.

I thought it might be worthwhile to name some of the other development styles I’ve seen, to help us stay on track and to guide us away from bad practices, (beware irony ahead):

FFDD Favourite Feature Driven Development: when the determining factor in the code you write is some cool feature of the language you use or a preferred programming technique. Everything is a list to unrepentant lispers. Operator overriding is another favourite. They say everything is a look up problem at one well known company. Closely related are Favourite Language Driven Development and Favourite Library Driven Development.

FPDD Favourite Pattern Driven Development: a very popular variety of the FFDD family of development methods—because everything is better with Template Methods.

PDD Personality Driven Development: where your design decisions are based on following someone else's notions, not making your own decisions nor taking into account the current circumstances. If the personality in question is outside the team it’s Guru Driven Development and from inside the team it’s Charisma Driven Development.

PoLRDD Path of Least Resistence Driven Development: polaroid development can have many symptoms: doing things because it’s the way it’s always been done, or wanting to commit changes in someone else's name because you've worked to their priorities. After all it's their product, they're the owner, client, lead, etc.

DADD Decision Avoidance Driven Development: might be seen as a whole company variety of PoLRDD and is often presented as iterative development, affectionately known by some as Hot Potato Driven Development.

LoCDD Lines of Code Driven Development: and it’s more subtle variant proportion of lines of code delivered to production driven development, also known as POLOC DD. The driving principle is that if you don’t need it you can delete later but every keystroke spent on tests and infrastructure is stolen from production.

SDD Seniority Driven Development: the old guys do new stuff and the new guys do old stuff, which is often organised in new development teams and maintenance teams and accompanied by such practices as “I know this system better than anyone and I'm sure this patch is okay so just pop it into production”, and “it worked on my machine”.

CPDD Cool Puzzle Driven Development: overlapping with both FFDD and PDD is the philosophy in work environments dominated by technophiles of doing what you are best motivated to do, of course some dull things have to be done, but that’s how new hires learn the system.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Now that's out of my system

The last two posts were essays that I wrote a little while ago to clarify my thoughts, a bit big for blog posts I guess, but maybe they'll be the right thing for someone sometime.

So, more bloggishly, (to keep the spelling checker happy I guess I could say, "in a more blog-like style", but I like "more bloggishly"):

I've been chatting with a friend who's been disappointed by some experiences in a new job. They have a demanding client and a backlog of bugs, the new starts are being thrown at the maintenance problems, things the experienced folk think should be simple fixes, and it's not going well.

Sadly, simple fixes are normally only simple if handled by the longest serving staff. No one else should feel confident that just patching the problem somewhere is going to be fine without good testing or some formal verification.

And, indeed, those experienced old hands may be right, these may be problems needing only simple patches to resolve. But anyone without their experience of the peculiarities of a system and it's history, and without a safety net of a thorough testing process, can't make those little fixes. Without experience of a system the only professional thing to be done is explore it thoroughly, test as much as possible, and proceed with caution.

I've noticed this before: people with deep experience of a system come to be unconscious of what they know, and assume that things are simple and obvious, (and sometimes get damned obnoxious when it's not so for others).

So if you want to optimise for quality and development throughput the new starts get the problems that can only be solved by thorough exploration, broad testing, and general caution. And the long serving staff get the little maintenance chores.

Heh, in my world they'd still all be collaborating closely and back filling tests over the legacy functionality when those little maintenance tasks come up. But in my world dividing developers into an underclass of maintenance developers and on overclass of new feature developers doesn't happen, that's optimising for hubris, a trap I escaped with my mental and physical health in tatters...

Complexity, keep it to yourself.

"Tell don't ask" is a heuristic aimed at reducing a particular kind of coupling complexity: operations by other objects on the exposed state of a target object. "Tell don't ask" solves this by pushing the operation into the target object and hiding the associated state in there as well.

The more objects that can see and act on the states of other objects the more complex your system becomes: the exposed states of an object are multipliers of complexity. A big part of controlling complexity is limiting the exposed states of objects, or from a different angle, limiting exposure to the states of other objects. The symptom of code that could benefit from "tell don't ask" is often called "feature envy" where one object spends a lot of time looking at another to do its job.

We're all aware of exposed variables as exposed state but anything you get back through a function return value, a call back, even the things infered from exceptions are exposed state. Exposed state is anything about an object that can be used to by another object to make a decision.

The most complete "tell don't ask" style would be a void function which throws no exceptions and has no later consequences giving the caller no possibility of behaving differently in response to the action they've triggered; there's no visible state, no return message, nothing for the caller to act on, and that makes it much easier to reason about the correctness of the caller.

The next step up allows a boolean return value with the caller able to follow two branches. Returning a number allows many branches, exceptions are also returns that cause branching, and so forth. It's easier to think about just two branches rather than many branches. It's much easier to think about no posibility of branching, (but beware of downstream consequences, if a void call now causes observably visibly different behaviour later, then that first call is also exposing state).

If changes in the target object's state are visible then anything with access to that object can change it's behaviour in reponse to the initial operation, multiplying complexity depending on who is exposed to the object's state and how much state is visible to act on.

There are two perspectives here: the caller and the target.

When developing a caller object you want to be able to reason about it, to assure yourself that it is correct, and to know that others looking at it later will feel sure it's right. Being exposed to less state in other objects helps keep your object simpler, so you should be trying to expose yourself to the least number of objects possible and you should want them to have simple interfaces that don't allow needlessly complex possibilities as a response to their operation. If nothing else hide the state of bad objects in facades to show how it could be done.

A developer writing a object that will be called by others should be trying to be a good citizen, should be trying to make it easy for the callers to be simple. Offering wide open interfaces with access to complex state forces the callers to at least think about the possibility of responding to that complexity, and that makes their lives harder: general is not simple.

There are lots of other design heuristics, refactorings, rules of thumb, and so forth that lead to reduced complexity through reduced coupling:

  • "Tell don't ask"
  • "Just one way to do something"
  • "Don't expose state"
  • "Reduce the number of messages"
  • "Be shy" or "Defend your borders" or "Limit an object's collaborators"
  • "Be specific" or "Do one thing well"
  • "Wrap collections and simple types"
  • "Reduce the average number of imports"
  • "Generality is generally not simple"

Sometimes you have to open yourself to coupling, after all programs are really only valuable because they respond to things, but there are ways to reduce risks. Broadly, isolate coupling in time and prevent coupling by side effect:

  • "Return the least amount of information possible"
  • "Expose less state"
  • "Expose only immutable things"
  • "Complete construction before starting operation"
  • "Defensive copy on get and set"
  • "Fail early"

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cows, librarians, and the evolution of god-objects

In an objected-oriented farm there's an objected-oriented cow and object-oriented milk, so, does the object-oriented milk send an un-milk message to the object-oriented cow, or does the object-oriented cow send a de-cow message to the object-oriented milk?

A little vocabulary: in an OO system objects send messages to other objects, a message contains enough information to provoke an action or change.

In a language like Java the built in message formats are function calls, return values, and exceptions. A simple void function is one message from caller to callee. A function call with a return value is two messages, (the return value is a seperate message, albeit part of a well defined dialogue). Thrown exceptions constitute a third class of messages. (Also, exposed state is message broadcasting and to be avoiding if you care about controlling complexity.)

An alternate version of the riddle: in a library do books send messages to shelves saying shelf me, or do shelves send messages to books saying you are now shelved here?

Ah-ha! we say, (some might say "mu"), the riddle is broken, there's an object missing from the system, the librarian coordinates the action, putting books on shelves, sending messages to books telling them they are shelved and other messages to shelves telling them they now contain a book.

And of course the farmer fills a similar role on the farm.

So lets do some more stuff on the farm. And let's keep in mind that useful heuristic, "model the real world", it helps keep us on the straight and narrow in many design problems.

Bringing in the sheep from the top paddock: the farmer opens the gates, the farmer whistles at the dog, etc. Harvesting fruit: the farmer calls for temporary workers, the farmer provides the workers with baskets, the farmer takes the workers to the orchard, the workers fill the baskets, the workers leave the baskets with the farmer, the farmer calls the market, etc. Ordering new seed stock and fertilizer: the farmer makes a list of what's in the shed, the farmer makes a plan for which fields need to be sown, the farmer dials the supply store, etc. Then there's mucking out the stable, tending the ewes at lambing time, etc.

If we follow the "model the real world" heuristic in a domain with a dominant active agent we end up with a lot of complexity in a big class representing that agent, (and we get some weedy little collaborating classes around the edges).

Sometimes we make god-objects because we don't see the world in terms of individually active objects, distribution doesn't come naturally to humans. We see the world as our play-pen filled with toys which are only interesting when we're playing with them, and we model accordingly. Fat-controller-classes correspond to normal human thinking, but they're not good for managing complexity.

Sometimes we're like rental tenants, when the plumbing's broken we call the owner, when there are electrical problems we call the owner, etc, and this owner becomes the god class for household maintenance.

The point is that a heuristic shouldn't be slavishly followed into unmanagable complexity. "Model the real world" can to be watered down, logic can distributed into other objects, even if that arrangement diverges from real life. We have balancing heuristics to help head off runaway god making, things like "don't model the user", and "don't make manager or controller classes" and the "single responsibility principle".

Sometimes a design heuristic like "always consider another two alternatives" is useful to keep us from "the world revolves around me (and my favourite object)" type thinking.

The goal is to manage complexity, to make stable and maintainable code. We've got the reality of change giving us opportunities to find alternatives that fix problems. Good ideas are good but we should be wary of following good ideas for so long that they become bad ideas.

And sometimes we have to do odd things, like maybe writing cows that tell milk to de-cow itself.
