The more objects that can see and act on the states of other objects the more complex your system becomes: the exposed states of an object are multipliers of complexity. A big part of controlling complexity is limiting the exposed states of objects, or from a different angle, limiting exposure to the states of other objects. The symptom of code that could benefit from "tell don't ask" is often called "feature envy" where one object spends a lot of time looking at another to do its job.
We're all aware of exposed variables as exposed state but anything you get back through a function return value, a call back, even the things infered from exceptions are exposed state. Exposed state is anything about an object that can be used to by another object to make a decision.
The most complete "tell don't ask" style would be a void function which throws no exceptions and has no later consequences giving the caller no possibility of behaving differently in response to the action they've triggered; there's no visible state, no return message, nothing for the caller to act on, and that makes it much easier to reason about the correctness of the caller.
The next step up allows a boolean return value with the caller able to follow two branches. Returning a number allows many branches, exceptions are also returns that cause branching, and so forth. It's easier to think about just two branches rather than many branches. It's much easier to think about no posibility of branching, (but beware of downstream consequences, if a void call now causes observably visibly different behaviour later, then that first call is also exposing state).
If changes in the target object's state are visible then anything with access to that object can change it's behaviour in reponse to the initial operation, multiplying complexity depending on who is exposed to the object's state and how much state is visible to act on.
There are two perspectives here: the caller and the target.
When developing a caller object you want to be able to reason about it, to assure yourself that it is correct, and to know that others looking at it later will feel sure it's right. Being exposed to less state in other objects helps keep your object simpler, so you should be trying to expose yourself to the least number of objects possible and you should want them to have simple interfaces that don't allow needlessly complex possibilities as a response to their operation. If nothing else hide the state of bad objects in facades to show how it could be done.
A developer writing a object that will be called by others should be trying to be a good citizen, should be trying to make it easy for the callers to be simple. Offering wide open interfaces with access to complex state forces the callers to at least think about the possibility of responding to that complexity, and that makes their lives harder: general is not simple.
There are lots of other design heuristics, refactorings, rules of thumb, and so forth that lead to reduced complexity through reduced coupling:
- "Tell don't ask"
- "Just one way to do something"
- "Don't expose state"
- "Reduce the number of messages"
- "Be shy" or "Defend your borders" or "Limit an object's collaborators"
- "Be specific" or "Do one thing well"
- "Wrap collections and simple types"
- "Reduce the average number of imports"
- "Generality is generally not simple"
Sometimes you have to open yourself to coupling, after all programs are really only valuable because they respond to things, but there are ways to reduce risks. Broadly, isolate coupling in time and prevent coupling by side effect:
- "Return the least amount of information possible"
- "Expose less state"
- "Expose only immutable things"
- "Complete construction before starting operation"
- "Defensive copy on get and set"
- "Fail early"
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