- I should want to work for a company that writes code like my portfolio.
- It should be the sort of code I would like to be paid to write.
It's about looking professional, and it's code, so I'd aim to get people actually playing with my work. There's no better advert for a programmer than the quality of their working programs.
A few things come to mind regarding the presentation in the repository:
- It should look real, like you were genuinely using it or it's been made for someone.
- Any reasonably experienced person should be able to click through and figure out what it's about without any wrong steps.
- The tests should be an obvious and effective first place to look, (I'm always impressed when I can figure out the motivation and typical use of open source by scanning through some tests).
- If you're one of many contributors then your contribution needs to be substantial and easy to find.
- It should be relatively easy to deploy and run for anyone who takes a look at it, ideally both a launch script and instructions.
- If it's a web application then consider hosting it somewhere, if it's a stand alone application make it downloadable and installable (and removable).
- Don't present non-functioning work in progress in your portfolio (maybe you need a separate repository for that).
- Don't present old school work unless you are a recent graduate.
- It should be clever without being obscure.
- It should in general follow the common idioms of the languages, be obvious and relatively future proof.
- The code should speak for itself, comments that just repeat function names or similarly obvious information are redundant; good file, module, class, function and variable names are better.
- Comments should explain what isn't obvious in code, like larger scale motivations or algorithms, or expected patterns of use. Although tests should also carry that information.
- As a portfolio it shouldn't just repeat the same thing, so variety in languages:
- Something in the Java/C++/C# vein,
- Something in the Python/Ruby vein,
- Perhaps something in the emerging languages vein like Scala/Closjure/F#
- Perhaps a restricted environment tool like JavaFX/Flex/JavaScript.
- At least two different types of applications:
- A retained state stand alone application,
- Plus a web app,
- Perhaps a smart phone trinket,
- A library or some utility scripts could also be worthwhile.
It's a portfolio, put your best foot forward.
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