A criticism I've heard made about some major voices in the Lean Software Development community is that they emphasis the reduction of waste. Waste is most commonly viewed as rework, or in the throwing away of spoiled goods, although there is also waste in opportunities from not getting quickly to market. A naive view of software engineering would treat refactoring and abandoning prototypes as waste, and consequently avoid practices that lead to those things.
However, everything that I've read so far emphasises some balancing principles in Lean that are part of making it work well in software development. The key is recognising, as traditional Lean does, that design and production are different domains and that different values need to be prioritised. Specifically, rather than a slavish and naive view of waste, there should be significant attention given to making decisions at the last responsible moment and having real options.
Real options can be seen in the response to problems: If I come to you with a piece of work that isn't acceptable you could just say "no", or "that's wrong", or some other simple negation of the work. But much better from a Lean perspective is to give me more parameters for right, which in software might mean pointing out further requirements, or pointing out tests I need to be able to pass. There is no need at all for the negative part of the response. In fact, even if you follow up with all the good points, the simple fact that you've started with a criticism of my existing work will lead me to defend myself, lead me to try and validate myself by rejecting your ideas. If it actually matters to you that I respond to your advice then don't put me on the defensive, instead empower me with more knowledge and real options.
Software development benefits from making use of the last responsible moment to decide, rather than either locking in decisions early or avoiding making decisions until there are no options left. The later the decision, the less time between deciding and delivering, the more likely that decision is to be based on all the relevant facts and to be usefully out there before new facts turn up.
One of the big insights of Lean, and particularly important for Lean Software Development, is that real option are the things you need to keep available in order to make any decisions.
So I've been thinking about this, how can I maintain real options during code development so that I can defer choices until I have more information and choice closer to deployment?
Lean itself offers some good answers, like make it easy to revise decisions (refactoring) and having side-by-side prototypes. Refactoring shouldn't be seen as fixing mistakes or just tidying up at the end, it's the exploration and refinement of better designs and implementations after the requirement is understood, we do it to improve the product because without those improvements the product isn't acceptable to the users or becomes to expensive to maintain over time. Lots has been said about refactoring so I won't go into it more than that.
When I say prototypes in software I don't mean short lived experiments to be thrown away and subsequently reimplemented with better form, I prefer to call those things spikes and they are valuable learning exercises. What I really mean and want to talk about are side-by-side prototypes as real development options carried on in parallel, prototypes as the output of the design phase which suggests all developer work is with prototypes.
Sounds expensive, developing two or more real versions in parallel. More pragmatically you can try to keep real options about decisions in your domain that are easy to revise, like working up many user interface wireframes while keeping a minimal skeleton UI in place in code, or working up several different object designs on paper as Eric Evans encourages. But at some point you should try this with actual code, I've found it enlightening.
In order to have parallel implementations in code, without the pain of branches and so forth, you need to be able to switch between both versions. That might be as big as having two versions of a page or dialog, or it might mean having a system of options and switches that allow you use one or the other.
I'm finding there's an obvious benefit and a very important less obvious benefit of actually trying this. Obviously, I get to look at alternatives side by side. When I make a serious attempt at both alternatives the real requirements start to stand out from implementation details, so in the end the losing version informs the winner. But beyond that the code around the alternatives ends up improved. In order to plug in alternatives, and switch between them quickly, there needs to be a well defined and coherent place for them, a sensible provision of services to them, and a clear notion of what role they play. So, as well as improving the quality of the specific code being developed, side-by-side prototypes become a force for quality at higher levels and larger scales in the software.
Right now to me that would be a win across the board. Clearer design would make it easier to integrate new staff as we grow, real options would give them the chance to prove themselves rather than slogging down what at times seems the only possible route.
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