Saturday, November 19, 2011

Object orientation is more than a language primitive

Distinguishing object oriented languages from non-object oriented languages is like talking about free trade and regulated trade. All trade is regulated in both extreme and subtle ways; it's never free (think about slave trade, child labour, pollution control, safety, truth in advertising, and so forth). So called object orient languages provide primitives generally for just one object oriented abstraction; so for any given object oriented language there are many object oriented abstractions and features that it doesn't implement. All object oriented languages are just some person's or group's preferred abstraction (or merely easily implemented abstraction), not at all a universal truth.

I have a distrust of coupling my domain abstraction to language features. A lot of what a like about using functional style in imperative languages is that it helps me to recognise and explicitly represent some things that I might overlook if I just stayed in the mindset of the imperative language I'm working with. Object orientation abstraction is one thing regularly overlooked and left as a non choice. We generally fail to ask the question: what is the right way to use object orientation in this specific application?

It's important to me to recognise what different object oriented abstractions provide: different ways of expressing type relationships, different ways of sharing common code, different ways of protecting access to code and data, different ways to communicate between objects, different ways to get new objects, and so forth. With that understanding I want to build the most appropriate object oriented abstraction to get the benefits most relevant to my particular problem.

One tool to help reach this end is to sneer a little bit at the object oriented primitives in whatever language I'm using. By not letting myself lazily treat that set of primitives as automatically the right way to do object orientation I make myself ask valuable questions: what is the right way to partition code in this application, what is the right way of expressing type in application, what states or life cycle will my object pass through, and much more.

This has recently been brought home to me in discussions about programming Lisp. Programmers that I respect say they have no idea where to start writing a program in Lisp. I think they expect to have the language tell them to organise their code. But really in Lisp, beyond the beginners stage, you're job is to decide how to organise your code, how to represent object orientation if that's part of your application, or how to model data flow, or logical structure, how to represent what ever is important in your application.

In the JavaScript world there are a number of systems that offer support for building object hierarchies, providing abstractions that are generally more like Java's object oriented abstraction. This is a great thing if that object oriented model is the right abstraction for your client side programming. Sadly I think it's been done because people find it difficult to see object orientation as a choice of application specific abstraction rather than a constant of the tools they are using, and aim to make all their tools homogenous with regard to object oriented abstraction.

Oddly, the best object oriented code I've ever dealt with has been in C and Lisp, probably because the developers made choices about organising their code, and didn't treat the primitives of the language as the end of the story. Higher level abstractions of data flow, and of aggregating data and function, and object life cycle, were clearly chosen and expressed in code. Avoiding accidental design driven by language primitives.

Saying or acting as if there can be only one object oriented abstraction and one set of perfect primitives implementing it is frankly and obviously silly. There are many object orient abstractions out there being used productively every day. Good programmers should be able to choose the abstraction that's right for the application and implement it in the language that they are using for the application.

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