Monday, May 9, 2011

Implicit and Explicit

Each step of language design gives us tools that make more behaviour implicit, except some things that languages make implicit are really requirements better made explicit. So another thread in language design is to make it possible to be explicit about the things that matter.

The three basics of structured programming are sequence, selection, and repetition. I'm going to use them to discuss how languages make things implicit or explicit.


The basic tool of selection is the if statement which connects different states to different code paths:
if (condition) then


The condition inspects available state and in some states selections fnA and in others fnB. This is an implicit relationship. It is a coincidence of placing these statements in this way. If we had to make the choice again in some other piece of code we could easily get it wrong, we could construct the condition badly, or forget we had to make a choice at all and just call one of the functions, or perhaps not even have access to the state required to make the decision.

The use of polymorphism in typical OO languages makes the connection between state and function explicit.

The relevant state is represented in obj and how it was instantiated. There are in principle different types of obj, but for each one there is a correct version of fn and that is the one that will be called. It is explicit in the fact of obj being of a particular type that a particular fn will be called.


The basic tool of repetition is the loop:
while (condition) do


But we do many different things with these loops, we might for example iterate over a collection of numbers and sum them. Or we might make a copy of that collection while translating each value in some way. Many languages provide constructs that make the meanings of such loops explicit while taking away all the accidental machinery of loop conditions and so forth.
collection.reduce(0, lambda a x: a + x)

or x: fn(x))

Given constructs like these there's no possibility of missing elements because of the condition being wrong, and by drawing on the well established vocabulary of list processing the meaning is made clear.


This is the tricky one, it's an implicit behaviour to which we are so accustomed that we rarely notice we've relied on it. Many bugs happen through accidental dependency on implicit sequence. Consider:
 def fn()



We all know that stat_2 is the statement that will be executed after stat_b. First, what else could it be?

In a parallel environment if could be that statements at the same level in a block are executed in parallel, perhaps interleaved, but with no guaranteed order. Simple as that, and very important given the rise of multicore devices.

In such an environment we would need to make sequence explicit. Consider a construct that forces consecutive execution in a parallel environment:
stat_a ::: stat_b

So stat_a will be followed by stat_b. You might also find things like this in functional programmings in the form of monads.

Another form of explicit sequence is the continuation, a mechanism for representing where the next line to be execute is to be found, and a matching mechanism to actual go there. These mechanisms often look like a type of function call, but one for which there is no notion of return, which results in no need for a stack. I admit continuations are one of the weirder twists in computing languages, it can be hard to know when to use them, but I've found they become useful in patterns where you manage the calls, perhaps for deferred execution, or to trap exceptions.

There are other interesting constructs that can help express important, required, sequential operation. With resource management that execute a block of code and then guarantee that after the block something particular will be called. For example the automatic try with construct in Java 7, or perhaps yielding to a block in Ruby.

Don't look at me like that...

It might seem that all the simple forms that I'm calling implicit are spelling out the steps more clearly and must surely be explicit. The trick is to think in terms of required behaviours: if you have a required behaviour how easy would it be get it wrong with the simple forms? A statement shifted to the wrong place, a sign wrong in a condition, and generally nothing in the simple form to tell you what the right form would have been, what was the intention of the construct. The meaning is implicit not explicit.

Conversely, if you use the explicit forms when sequence, repetition, or selection are truly requirements and you will be announcing your intentions very clearly. You'll be making it easier for libraries and languages to do clever optimisations to make use of parallel processing or for safe and efficient use of memory and other resources.

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