Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Right of Veto

I'm trying to get my head around the question, "Why do good developers write bad code, and what can we do to fix it?" It's provoking dozens of ideas. This one came to me yesterday:

All developers should have the right of veto on any code in development. Developers should be taking the time to look at the rest of the team's work, to ask the questions, "Do I understand this?", "Could I maintain this?", and "Do I know a better way to do this?". If there's a problem in understanding, or a better way to do it, then exercise the veto.

Exercising the veto means that code doesn't get committed, or should be reverted, or must be improved.

Exercising the veto means you must now get involved in making it better.

Pairs of developers can't pass their own code, they need to get someone else to consider their code and possibly veto it.

No one is so senior as to be above the veto.

If there is disagreement between the code author(s) and the developer exercising the veto then don't argue, bring in more of the team. Perhaps the resolution will be to share knowledge better rather than the veto. But ideally you want to write code that any other team member will readily accept.

As I was thinking of this and talking about with my pair I realised we were writing code that I felt I would want to veto, so the next idea is that every developer or pair announces the state of their code. I plan to stick a big green or red button on top of my monitor; the red button means I veto my own work, and green means I think this is okay.

Self veto, (the red button), is a visible an invitation to help, work with me, pair with me, take me aside and talk about design or the domain or our existing code base. Open to veto, (the green button), is a request, please look at my code, judge it, share in the ownership of it, take responsibility for the whole teams output.

One of the threads that led to this idea came from circumstances that have led to us pairing less. My response was to ask what else we could do to improve code quality: how do we conduct worthwhile code reviews.

I'm heading toward the idea that even pair programmed code could benefit for code review, but I want to make it as light weight as possible. And the real point of code review, the thing that makes it meaningful, is the possibility of rejecting the work. Otherwise it's no more than a poor tool for sharing knowledge.

That realisation that code review is most valuable if it can be acted on tied in with a quote I read, "If you can’t say “No” at work, then your “Yes” is meaningless." The simplest "no" in code review is the veto on commit.

When working in sprints or iterations there's often a step where the developers commit to doing a set of tasks. But I've never really been in a position where I thought I could say no. The best has normally been to say that it will take to long or to negotiate details, but at the end of the day we assume that the right things are being asked for and we try to do them.

It's not an ideal commitment if I can't say no. Can my commitment be real consent if I can't say no? Certainly there have been times when I thought the requirements were unwise, and I've been demoralised doing what I thought to be the wrong thing. Could we create a team, or a work flow, or a process, that really empowered developers to say, "No, we cannot commit to doing that", and be honoured for it?

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